Lake Toba is a lake in the exotic has a superb natural landscape with in the middle of the island is pretty amazing. The Lake is located in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Lake volcanic Lake is a lake with a length of 100 km and a width of 30 miles, in the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia.
This Lake is the largest lake in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. In the middle of the Lake there is a volcanic island named Samosir Island. Uniquely again on Samosir Island alone there are two lakes namely Lake Sidihoni and Lake Aek Natonang. When you go to the local area, PAL could find some stunning waterfalls and sulphur springs that helps in healing various diseases of the skin.
Lake Toba is a famous tourist attraction in Northern Sumatra, where you can spend time with their stay, also sailing on the Lake environment, or even a visit to Samosir Island.
Beautiful view of the Lake’s waters towards the dawn broke and sank. Many Point Lake is a very interesting point of view which can be enjoyed.
After this eruption, a caldera was formed that was filled by water afterwards and now known as Toba Lake. The pressure from the dormant magma, which has not yet erupted, caused Samosir Island to emerge. The region that now known as Samosir Island originally was a peninsula that attached to the Sumatran mainland. In this peninsula the Netherlands built the water canal 10 m width.
Lake Maninjau
Indonesian: Danau Maninjau, Meninjau means Overlook or Observation ) is a caldera lake in West Sumatra, Indonesia. It is located 16 km to the west of Bukittinggi, at [show location on an interactive map] 0°19′S, 100°12′E. The Maninjau caldera was formed by a volcanic eruption estimated to have occurred around 52,000 years ago.
Deposits from the eruption have been found in a radial distribution around Maninjau extending up to 50 km to the east, 75 km to the southeast, and west to the present coastline. The deposits are estimated to be distributed over 8500 km² and have a volume of 220–250 km³. The caldera has a length of 20 km and a width of 8 km.
Lake Maninjau has an area of 99.5 km², being approximately 16 km long and 7 km wide. The average depth is 105 m, with a maximum depth of 165 m. The natural outlet for excess water is the Antokan river, located on the west side of the lake. It is the only lake in Sumatra which has a natural outlet to the west coast. Since 1983 this water has been used to generate hydroelectric power for West Sumatra.
Danau Maninjau or Lake Maninjau, meaning ' to look out across', is a volcanic crater lake located 38km west of Bukittinggi. Situated at 461m above sea level, the air is cool and pleasant. The lake is 17kms long and 8kms at it's widest and reaches to depths of 480m in some places.
Lake Maninjau is one of the top travel destinations in Sumatra. A peaceful, relaxing place to sit and relax and enjoy the views of the lake.
Lake Gunung Tujuh
Surrounded by seven mounts: Mount Hulu Tebo (2,525 m), Mount Hulu Sangir (2,330 m), Mount Madura Besi (2,418 m), Mount Lumut (2,350 m), Mount Selasih (2,230 m), Mount Jar Panggang (2.469 m), and Mount Tujuh (2.735 m) makes this young caldera lake as highest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia. Situated in Kerinci Regency, precisely in Kayu Aro sub-district about 55 km from Sungai Penuh City, the lake is the most favorite place for mountaineers and hikers who are visiting Kerinci. What you will get is an amazing view of the lake, especially when sun is rising on dawn.
For domestic visitors or other people from tropical or desert countries and not accustomed with mount weather, you better bring you thick sweaters or jackets because average temperature at the lake is about 17-18 Celsius degree with lake shrouded by mist on a few corners.
The peak of Mount Kerinci, which is the highest active volcano in Indonesia. This mountain looks so close from one GunungTujuh back. Mount Kerinci towering into the sky as if seen alone. GunungTujuh region separated by a highway that connects Sungai Penuh, the capital of Kerinci regency, Jambi province, with Labuh Estuary, Solok regency, West Sumatra. For the climbers, Mount Kerinci with a peak at an altitude of 3805 meters above sea level (asl) is as always a challenge. However, for amateur climbers who just want to feel tired to walk uphill through the trail, the Seven Mountains region can treat the dream to conquer the mountain.
Gunung Tujuh in this area live many species typical of Kerinci Seblat National Park (TNKS), such as the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrensis), gibbons, sun bears, wild boars, tapirs, various birds, and various species of butterfly.
Plants that live in this area vary with the belle of the various types of natural orchids and flowers IN PLANTS. Fatigue when climbing certainly gone on arrival at the destination location in the area Gunung Tujuh, which is a lake called Lake residents about Gunung Tujuh.Sebagian also called Lake Gods name.
Visitors who want to enjoy another gorgeous natural scenery in the area of Lake Gunung Tujuh can also come to the Gunung Tujuh Waterfall. Waterfall with tens of meters high that comes from Lake Gunung Tujuh. Visitors who want to reach this waterfall through paths not far from the former homestead resort near the guardhouse at the foot of the mountain with a travel time of travel for two hours to three hours.
Can not be denied, Gunung Tujuh Lake and the surrounding natural area is one of the tour belle Kerinci regency. The location of so many beautiful natural attractions in the district, Lake Gunung Tujuh become more prominent because of the uniqueness and beauty they have.
Lake Labuan Cermin
Perhaps no one knows the beauty of nature which is owned Berau, Indonesia. Maybe a few others who know where this city with a wide range of tourism potential. Berau District is a district located in the province of East Kalimantan. The beauty of nature and nautical no less intense than other cities such as Raja Ampat and Lombok. One of the famous islands and is a haven for divers Derawan Island. But it was not only that the beauty of the marine-owned, there Labuan Mirror.
Lake Labuan Cermin is one charming destination located in Biduk-Biduk village, Berau district, Kalimantan Timur Province. This lake is managed under Lekmalamin (Lembaga Masyarakat Labuan Cermin/Labuan Cermin Society Organization). It’s Lekmalamin who mantain and take care of this destination’s beauty in order to be able to be enjoy by many visitors. The water color is the gradation of dark blue, light blue, white and green. Just like the name, the water is clear and shining like a mirror. We can see the bottom clearly though this lake is more than 3 meters deep. You can swim, dive or snorkel here.
Lake Labuan Cermin is a mixture of fresh and salt water. The surface water tastes salty but if you taste the bottom water, it will be tasteless. If you dive inside, you will be able to see the border between tasteless and salt water clearly. This fact also causes the variety of water creatures you may find at the lake.
Lake Labuan Cermin is a lake that has two types of water, no fresh water and salt water is very clear. “When viewing the surface of the water, such as seeing a large aquarium. Like the artificial pond, the upper part is a freshwater lake. Yes, this is what the big aquarium. You can clearly see the typical aquarium artificial rocks, small forests, and the fish that swim freely. While, at the bottom of the lake, there is salt water.
Lake Tondano
One of beautiful place that has extraordinary scenery in Sulawesi is the Tondano Lake. Tondano Lake is a beautiful lake that is located 600m above sea level surrounded by mountains which have an average altitude of 700 meters, where many people come for day trips to enjoy the cool air of the mountain. Tondano Lake located approximately 36 km from the city of Manado.
Lake Tondano-Minahasa-North Sulawesi can be not separated from the beach kora kora, as nature tourism, Lake Tondano with its reflection is very beautiful, the fresh air in the morning and dawn light bursts from behind the mountain ranges hit the lake surface area of 4278 hectares, adding to the beauty lake with a blend of orange color and a beautiful shiny silver.
Refleksi Permukaan danau yang sangat teduh, fantastik , menggambarkan kembali bayangan bukit dan langit berawan tipis di atasnya. Surface reflection is very calm lake, fantastic, illustrates again the shadow of the hill and cloudy sky above him thin. yang sesekali hamparan itu berpendar, terbelah oleh perahu nelayan yang sedang menangkap ikan. the occasional stretch of that glow, split by boat fishermen who were catching fish.
Jalan-jalan yang menyusur pinggiran Danau Tondano, mengantar ke sisi lain yang semakin eksotis. The roads that run along the edge of Lake Tondano, drove to the other side of the more exotic. Hamparan sawah menghijau .
Expanse of verdant paddy fields. Rumah kayu berarsitektur Eropa. Wooden house architecture of Europe. dengan Cerobong asap yang menyembul. with a chimney that pops up.
Sekeliling jalan yang berkelok dihiasi dengan pemandangan hutan tropis yang lebat , penghujung jalan ini mengantarkan ke Pantai Kora Kora. Around the winding roads dotted with dense tropical forest scenery, the end of this road leads to Beach Kora Kora.
Kora-kora shoreline, winding beautifully. Hamparan pasir putih bersih menjadi pembatas antara laut dan aneka pepohonan hijau di atasnya. Pure white sand into a barrier between the sea and various green trees on it. Air laut yang sangat bening menampakan ikan sekecil mungil yang sedang bermain. Sea water is very clear that appeared as small as a tiny fish that are playing
Lake Poso
For a refreshing getaway from the normal city-life routine, the quaint villages and fresh air of the less explored Lake Poso may be just what you need to revitalize your mind, body and spirit. Its waters are deep blue and aquamarine and it is one of the clearest lakes in the world.
Lake Poso is an ancient lake located in the Poso District in Central Sulawesi, and is the third largest lake in Indonesia after Lake Toba and Lake Singkarak in Sumatra.
Privileges owned waters of Lake Poso is a constant and very clear. Interestingly, despite the floods in several tributaries flowing into the lake, the water remains clear or turbid. In addition, the sand contained in the lake consists of two colors, namely white and golden yellow. The gleaming stretch of sand as the sun shining on the shore of Lake Poso.
In addition, every fourth week in August, visitors can witness the Festival of Lake Poso. In the festival exhibited a wide range of competitions, such as dance performances and traditional clothing from various tribes in Central Sulawesi, a traditional game, race track area, the selection of the daughter of Lake Poso, ball games voly sand, decorative boat races, rowing boat, tug on the boat , as well as product exhibits in the regions of Central Sulawesi. Around Lake Poso available assortment of amenities, such as hotels, inns, homestay, and restaurants. One of the main menu which is served in food stalls are typical cuisine Pamona tribe called arogo, the lake fish that tastes so delicious that pity not to taste.
Lake Segara Anak
Hiking and Trekking Package Mount Rinjani 5 Days 4 Nights from Sembalun Lawang through to Senaru village, to serve Bohari Adventure hiking, trekking, climbing, camping and cooking of Mount Rinjani in the 3,726 meters with Bohari adventure specialist local guide, covering all activities and sport Mount Rinjani in Lombok of Indonesia.
Climb Mount Rinjani National Park area, if it has not yet come to settle this location. Especially if not Segara Anak Lake, a beautiful lake in the high Rinjani? The name "Segara Anak" is taken from the local language which means the Small Sea.
Mount Rinjani is part of Mount Rinjani National Park that has such an amazing panorama. It is believed that the mountain becomes one of the most beautiful places to see in Indonesia. If you climb the mountain, you will come across a lot of allures raging from canopy of green trees, a range of small hills, fogs, unique animals and of course the amazing Segara Anak Lake. This lake is so special for tourism since it is positioned almost near tip of Mount Rinjani.

What makes the lake unique is that it gives you a chance to fish and there will be fresh fishes you can cook for your foods during your hiking.
Maybe there who want to top 3726 meter in expecting to wake up at 3:00 in the morning to enjoy breakfast banana pancakes or toast, coffee / tea, a trip to the summit of Mount Rinjani lasted about three or five hours, a field trip to the summit and weight quite dangerous, deserts, craters, and canyons that seem unfounded, will force the adrenaline racing during the 3-5 hour trip,
so we recommend wearing an anti-dust spectacles and thick sweater if for beginners to the top have to walk slowly, after our reached the summit of Mount Rinjani 3.726m. Approximate hours of 6:00, you will be able to see the incredible scenery, as you can see all parts of the island of Lombok. You can even see Mount Tambora, the Great, and also some small island called Gili around the island of Lombok,
after 30 minutes at the top, a picture together or worship activities and other activities, we will return to the tent (Plawangan Sembalun), approximately 9:00 o’clock in the morning over breakfast, we continued our journey to the lake Segara Anak – trips to the lake about 3-4 hours (down). The fast climbers had to descend a rocky slope with a slope around of 35 degrees. Arrive at Lake around 12:00 hours or 03 hours of rest afternoon shore of Lake Segara Anak, Mt New look beautiful still active, while preparing lunch on a plate Bohari around the lake, a few minutes later we went to a hot water bath. Hot water bath is believed to cure all diseases, especially skin diseases, rheumatism, etc. Lunch is ready in around the lake, while enjoying the fishing activity. 16:00 pm, you can enjoy the sunset and the beauty of its surroundings, enjoying the activities at night, make a campfire, enjoying the stars, singing and other activities, which are available for dinner and overnight in tents lake Segara Anak.
Lake Kelimutu Nusa Tenggara Tinur (NTT)
No that is not beautiful in NTT. So abundant natural beauty, ranging from the sea, to the mountain. Including existing Kelimutu Kelimutu in Flores, NTT.
Kelimutu lake consists of three different colors and frequent changes color. Kelimutu itself is located in the village of Pemo, District Flores, Ende, Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara.
Kelimutu is the only volcano in Indonesia, which has three crater lakes adjacent to each other. Special, water
lake is the third different color. Crater Lake is the first named Tiwu Ata Polo, red-colored water. Both lakes within 10 m of the first lake is Nua Muri Kooh Fai Tiwu, green water. While the third lake water isblue and known as Ata Tiwu Mbupu.
Lake Sentani Papua

Treks into most mainland areas require an arrival by flight into the Lake Sentani area located close to the West Papuan capital city of Jayapura. This region is a beautifully dramatic introduction to Papua. A huge wall of vegetation called the Cyclops sits majestically above Lake Sentani and makes for a stunning backdrop to the clear waters
The most recent survey (Renyaan, 1993) recorded 33 species of fish, of which 12 are indigenous, 8 anadromous and 13 introduced. Surveys over a 1 year period have shown an increase in introduced species but the impact on the total fish population has not been documented. Sawfish (Pristis microdon) up to 3 m or more were well known in the lake until the Seventies and are a common motif in traditional Sentani art, but appear to have become extinct. Fish are extensively raised in ponds and cages around the perimeter of the lake and the introduction of species (particularly carp and tilapia) has been both accidental and intentional.
The best way to see the Lake and adjacent areas is by motorised canoe. This transportation allows you uninterrupted perspectives of the area access to visit the small fishing village built on stilts over the lake. Fishermen have been plying their traditional trade here for many generations.
Lake Sentani is a famous primitive arts centre. Bark paintings, sago bowls and small-carved items are amongst the local handicrafts found here. Our guides are also a private collector of primitive Papuan art and therefore we have the depth of knowledge and connections to ensure that you pay the right price and that all items purchased are genuine.
The port city of Jayapura sits on the coast and has a population of around 250,000 including many people from other parts of the Indonesian archipelago. It is not an unattractive city and you will find museums, hotels, an assortment of restaurants, banks and markets for shopping. From Jayapura it is easy to take guided overnight treks to primitive villages and it is a 45-minute flight to Wamena, the main town of the famed Baliem Valley.
MacArthur said to have lived on the lake and on 22 islands in it.

Life as a fisherman and a location close to the provincial capital, is the reason why most of the population around the lake is open to visitors. Stage housewith a pool and nets are a common sight on the lake. This lake is home to at least 33 species of fish, which is almost half of whom are native lake. fish saws (Pristis Microdon) is a native fish this lake, but is now thought to have been extinct. This fish is one of the ornaments on crafts custom wood Sentani.
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Lake Paniai Papua
Based on the location, Paniai Lake entered in the District of East Paniai, Paniai Regency, Papua Province , Indonesia . When you visit Papua Province, do not miss the chance to visit varioustourist attractions located in Paniai District. One of them is the famous Paniai Lake has beautiful scenery, natural and well maintained. The beauty of Lake Paniai recognized by delegates from 157 countries when the continuation of Lake Se-World Conference which held in India on November 30, 2007.
The famous Paniai Lake has beautiful natural smart, experienced, and well maintained.
In the beginning, along with Lake Paniai Lake and Lake Tage Tigi Meeren named Wissel. Name of the person who first discovered the beautiful lake is the third in 1938, is a Dutch pilot
In the beginning, along with Lake Paniai Lake and Lake Tage Tigi Meeren named Wissel. Name of the person who first discovered the beautiful lake is the third in 1938, is a Dutch pilot

Besides enjoying the beautiful Lake Paniai from the edge of the lake, visitors can try another atmosphere, such as fishing or hire a boat to the people around for around a vast lake. When sailing the lake, besides enjoying the sparkling blue waters of the lake and the boat split rate, visitors can also use this moment to photograph the area of the lake from all sides. Besides, visitors also can see the plants listed in this lake, such as water hyacinth (eichhmia crassipes), algae (algae), and others.
In Paniai Lakes region provided various facilities, such as the gatehouse, tour guides, and cottage. Rental boats, fishing equipment rental, and small shops are also available here. Travelers who want to stay, can rent homes located around the lake or camping in exotic various locations in the region. As for tourists who wish to obtain a fairly complete accommodation, recommended to the City Enarotali. In the capital of Paniai district, found shops, markets, restaurants, houses of worship, kiosks kiosks, and hotel and guesthouse with various types.
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